Best Photos of 2022

Another year down, and I feel super lucky to have gotten to travel to some incredibly beautiful places both close to home and more distant, as well as both some delightfully familiar places and some exciting new ones. 2022 started out with a fabulous ski season before a long, wet spring that kept some of my bigger ski mountaineering goals out of reach, with a notable exception of a ski descent off the summit of Rainier in May (although no photos from that trip made the cut for this album). Then, once the snow melted, I had a lovely summer, with highlights including another trip to visit the Vincents in the Tetons, with stops in the Palouse and Glacier on the way to and fro, plus trips to the Adirondacks and no shortage of Cascades shenanigans close to home. Adam and I got out for a great brothers’ trip via a less popular route into the heart of the southern unit of North Cascades National Park, and Alex visited from California to join on a great trip with the boys into the Southern Pickets via the more challenging approach of Stetattle ridge. As Fall came around, I got out for one last solo trip to climb Mounts Fisher and Arriva with a camp at Silent Lakes, a place Dad had inspired me to visit. I wrapped the year up with a trip back east for some Fall foliage, a trip to Oregon for Thanksgiving, and then started the ski season strong with an adventurous traverse with Matt through some new-to-me parts of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

Here are my favorite photos from the year!